Resource - Spirulina


Spirulina is multi-cellular and filamentous cyano-bacteria commonly known as blue-green algae that grows both in fresh as well as salt water. Similar to plants it produces energy from sunlight through the photosynthesis process. It grows and thrives in warm water alkaline ponds and rivers. It is one of the best potential sources of protein. See
		"Wide Range Applications of Spirulina: From Earth to Space Missions" For uniform growth and for uniform harvesting, 30 grams of dry Spirulina is added for every 10 liters of water. The water level in the pond should be maintained at 20 to 30 cm. In general, the pond will be ready for harvest after 5 days after seeding process is done. Culture is filtered and collected in a container and poured onto the cloth. The culture medium flows back into the pond, leaving Spirulina on the cloth. After filtering, the collected Spirulina is thoroughly washed in distilled water to remove any traces of salts, contaminants, or culture medium residue. Once the cleaning is done, the water content is further removed by squeezing or pressing and is ready for drying. Freshly harvested Spirulina will be at its best in its nutritional values. Fresh Spirulina cannot last more than 2 days, hence it needs to be dried to preserve its nutritional values and to last for a longer duration. Each pond constructed is of 10 x 20 feet size. With 20 such ponds, each will generate on an average about 2 kg wet culture per day. 1 kg wet culture will give 100 grams of dry powder only. On average, a 20 tank will generate 4-5 kg of dry Spirulina powder on a daily basis. The production in a month will be around 100 to 130 kg per month.



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