Manufacturing Process - Make aerogel tile
Aerogel is a porous, translucent material that could allow sunlight
to penetrate and be trapped, thus acting as a better insulator and having stronger
tensile strengthe fiberglass composite. It's made by extracting liquid from silica gel to
create a thin, 2-to-3 cm layer of aerogel via supercritical CO2 drying. Doping it
with crossliking agents provide improved mechanical properties. See
The empiral formula of aerogel is simply SiO2.
SiO2: 60 g/mol, CO2: 44 g/mol, Si: 28 g/mol, O: 32 g/mol
The silica solidifies into three-dimensional, intertwined clusters that make up only
3% of the volume. Conduction through the solid is therefore very low. The remaining
97% of the volume is composed of air in extremely small nanopores. The air has little
room to move, inhibiting both convection and gas-phase conduction.
Attribute | Value |
Skill Level: | 3 |
Tech Level: | 3 |
Process Time: | 100.0 millisols |
Work Level: | 50.0 millisols |
Power Required: | 1.0 kW/hr |
Version: pre-3.9.0 Generated on: 2024-12-28T22:56:23.2942481