mars-sim simulates the overall professional relationship for the future settlers on Mars. In general, this social aspect is modeled by a 3-tier relationship indicator showing how close or how adversarial between any two individuals. Each settler bears an imprint of one’s gender, date of birth, weight, height, BMI, age, blood type, a personality profile based on Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI) and Five Factor Model (FFM), and a set of natural attributes (such as Agility, Academic Aptitude, Attractiveness, Conversation, Endurance, Experience Aptitude, Leadership, Strength, Stress Resilience, and Teaching). These characteristics set in motion on how well a person interact with his/her team and others socially and professionally.
One can track how a person relate with another with the Relationship Tab. Suffice to say that each settler with one’s personality types, coupling with his unique set of natural attributes and professional skills, create the destiny of his/her own.
A person’s Science Tab lists the ongoing and finished scientific studies with others and the scientific achievement in his/her areas of endeavour.

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